Friday, October 8, 2010

Disciples of Revolution

Television shows are interesting. Do they portray what us humans are really like? I think a little bit. Have been watching Sons of Anarchy since it started. I like the show. I like all of the characters in it. Some I see in real life. Told a friend about the show and this person wants nothing to do with it. That is okay. Not everybody will like it. A show about bikers? I like to ride. I am sure some people dream about being a "real" biker. What is a real biker? I don't know the answer to that question. I have been trying to find that answer along with other answers. Haven't been able to find them. Shouldn't the question be 'what is a "real" human?'. We are all human. We all make mistakes. We all have dreams. Some find those dreams. Some are happy with their lives others are not. Back to the show about bikers. What I have found about the show is one common theme-Love. The majority of the characters have something that they love. Love to do. Partners that they love. They love their fellow brothers. They love their club. Will do anything for it. Like family. Without love we have nothing. Our world would be nothing. I love my family,friends,co-workers,animals(our dogs and the ones in the woods). I do love what I do. I love to print. I love to make things. That is what I love to do. Bottom line. We all take things for granted. We shouldn't. It could be gone in an instant. Amazing how that works. We are on this planet for a short period of time. We should always appreciate our time here. Along with our family. The people that matter the most. Family is also defined by all of my friends also. I consider them family. I wish I had more time to spend with my friends. Have to have a balance. Life needs balance. Sometimes it gets out of balance,even when we are not looking. In closing one common theme should be in all of us-Love it. Or just Love. It is a powerful thing.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dark Eye

The Dark Eye is watching. Who is the Dark Eye? It is just an expression. Is anybody really watching us. I believe so. I think that they were already here. Some of the things that we have, such as electricity, cell phones, weird technology, may have not come from us. How does electricity work? It just does. Is there a divine being that has control over everything? Yes, I believe there is God. I believe that he has control, but to a point. If you don't believe in God, then everything on this planet, this universe was random chance? I don't think so. All of these things play a part in our lives. Some of the choices that we make early in our lives affect our whole life. Also, some of the choices that we make later on in life affect our life, but not as greatly as the ones early on. Do we go to college or not? What job do I take? If I stayed at one job my whole life, my life would have been very boring. I have met and am friends with people that I wouldn't have met if I stayed in one place. Around 1995 or 1996 someone told me that you need to take some risk in life. Some people take more than others. That is one reason why I didn't stay at one job. I don't believe that I will be changing jobs anytime soon, though. I am very happy where I am at. There are moments, though. They will come and go. There are things that I can control and things that I can't. The things that I can control I will always do my best. There will be times where things get messed up, but I did the best job that I can, or could have at that moment. So, is the dark eye watching? No, the bright eye is.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


It is amazing how creative the world is. Also, it is amazing how creative the people in our world are. We paint, play music, run machines. Yes, in order to run a machine you have to be creative. Solve problems. Creative Problem Solving. People need to give themselves credit in their lives for being creative. "Hey, I can do that" or "That would work if you did this".

Friday, July 2, 2010

Still more gooder

Apple is more gooder. ipods. Starbucks pick of the week. Free music. Esp. from friends. Nice weather to ride.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

More Gooder

Fourth of July weekend is more gooder. Not working on the Fourth of July weekend is ever more more gooder. Scorpions if more gooder.

More Gooder

So, what is more gooder? Starbucks coffee for one. It just tastes better. McDonald's Coke. It just is. Stink eyes are not more gooder. Esp. cosmic stink eyes. Those are freaky. itunes is more gooder. The best place to get music. Although I can't find any AC/DC on there. They must be blocking it. Mustangs with Super Shakers are definitely more gooder. Harley Davidson is MORE GOODER. Fishing is more gooder. Live to Ride and Ride to Live is more gooder. Vibrant Impressions is More Gooder. I could go on and on. But, those are things that I like. What do you like world? And why.

More Gooder

I am changing the title of my blog to More Gooder. It just makes sense. It will also be about things in life that are better than good. More Gooder.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

No Worries

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have any worries. I think that the bible said it best-from the International Standard Version/Matthew 6:34/So never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. But, us as humans worry a lot about things. If we make a mistake on something, we live with it and move on. Also, we can't change the past. The past is a learning tool. Everything that we have learned up to today makes us up. Defines us. Tells us who we are. Based on that, decisions in the future come from that. Sometimes we are wrong and sometimes we hit it right on.

Under the Dome

So, I picked up the new audio book by Stephen King-Under the Dome. Thought that I wouldn't read it or listen to it. I listened to a little bit of it. Now I can't not listen to it. It posts a lot of questions about us as humans. What would we do in a situation like that? Stephen King is very graphic about his books. He doesn't leave anything out. However it will take a while to listen to it. About 36 hours worth. This book definitely makes you think. I would suggest reading it or listening to it. However, if you fish, I would recommend you keep fishing. Because later on in life fishing starts to dwindle down. You don't get to go as often. Go fishing while you can.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So, who's fault is it for the oil spill? It was an accident that caused it. Something that wasn't supposed to happen, but did. But, now the issue is why did it take so long to fix or at least try and fix it. Who's at fault for that? The President? No. The Government. Maybe. BP. Maybe all dropped the ball. But, we as American people are still dependent on oil. Bottom line. It just needs to get fixed. But, that may take awhile. If at all.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just an observation. Sunday while riding, we were at a gas station and we were going to turn left. There was a car in front of us-no blinker. It looked like she was going to turn right, but I say her look left. I waited. She turned left. If I would have went she would have run right into me. I try to ride defensively. Look at what the driver is doing. Example: Cell phone in left hand, right blinker on. Driver looks left. And then goes left. Had an F-150 do that to me three years ago. On the highway. Going 70+. Is that why 2009 had the most motorcycle fatalities, over cars? That an lack of experience of new riders. Look what the driver is doing. Or not doing. Ride safe.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thanks to all of the followers of More Inker. I have 2 of them. Awesome!!!
Hey is anybody out there? Feel free to publish anything on this blog.
Every have a bad day? I seem to be having lots of them. Ever been told to do something several times, and then do the opposite. Why is that? Does the brain not register it. Is it focused on something else? What would clear the fog? That is why we have recreation for ourselves. Fishing, hunting, motorcycling, etc. Maybe we don't do enough of that. Have to clear the fog.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is now the best time to be alive? We have a lot to be thankful for. Freedom is one of them. Think about all of the people that have given there lives for the Freedom of the people of the United States. What were they thinking when they joined the military? They paid the ultimate sacrifice. And still are. Thank you to all of them. That is why we have some of the things that we have. Our country is not perfect, there are some flaws. But, our flag still flies proudly were ever it is. On our ships, our bases, our places of worship and our places of work, and our homes. It reminds us who we are and where we have been and where we are going. I am proud to be an American and always will be.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

There is hope that people will actually read my blog. It will get better with time.
Yeah! I have one follower. My daughter. Can't get any better than that. Love you Chelsea.

Monday, May 17, 2010

More Inker came about from my printing experience. At one of the companies that i was at, a fellow press operator, said that I should put "more inker" on the press. So, that has kind of stuck with me for a while.
What is it with people that ride, esp fast motorcycles, that don't where a helmet? Wearing a helmet should be your choice. But, common sense tells me that if you are on a machine that can go 0-60 in less than 4 seconds, you should have some type of protection.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Every time that I see it, I see something different.
So, why do we create art. Look at art. Such as Jackson Pollack's Lavender Mist. Is it something deep inside of us that pushes us to do so? We all create art and may not even know it.
Ever had a day where you wanted to get a lot accomplished and didn't? Well today was that day.
This is to the person that I was talking to regarding the apple. Thank you for your help, Kelly. I think that we have resolved it.
Reasons for creating this blog. 1. To talk about stuff. 2. Themes are from my life in general. a. printing. b. riding. c. general knowledge. 3. Should be fun.
What is it about the world that is so complicated? Could we be headed toward a more simpler time?