Sunday, June 6, 2010

No Worries

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have any worries. I think that the bible said it best-from the International Standard Version/Matthew 6:34/So never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. But, us as humans worry a lot about things. If we make a mistake on something, we live with it and move on. Also, we can't change the past. The past is a learning tool. Everything that we have learned up to today makes us up. Defines us. Tells us who we are. Based on that, decisions in the future come from that. Sometimes we are wrong and sometimes we hit it right on.

Under the Dome

So, I picked up the new audio book by Stephen King-Under the Dome. Thought that I wouldn't read it or listen to it. I listened to a little bit of it. Now I can't not listen to it. It posts a lot of questions about us as humans. What would we do in a situation like that? Stephen King is very graphic about his books. He doesn't leave anything out. However it will take a while to listen to it. About 36 hours worth. This book definitely makes you think. I would suggest reading it or listening to it. However, if you fish, I would recommend you keep fishing. Because later on in life fishing starts to dwindle down. You don't get to go as often. Go fishing while you can.